Black Lives Matter Protesters Disrupt Bernie Sanders Speech Expose White Supremacy on the Left
​​ Seattle, WA - Yesterday when Black Lives Matter activists took over the stage at a Bernie Sanders presidential speech, they did so to...
Rigged Injustice: The Truth About Plea Deals
Philadelphia, PA - The long-held belief that the US criminal justice system would rather let ten guilty people go free than wrongfully...
Veterans Criminalized for Cannabis Used to Treat Service-Related Injuries
Philadelphia, Pa - Chris Mueller is just one of the 1 in 5 returning veterans from Afghanistan and Iraq that are diagnosed with Traumatic...
America Still Highly Segregated
Click on map to go to an interactive map depcting housing location individually by race. The White Establishment and those who propagate...
Inequalities Perpetuating the Legacy of Slavery in America
WASHINGTON DC - The anger and outrage culminating in mass protests across the country, almost on a daily basis, are not new, but were...
Police Violence: The American Experience of Systemic Racism
Police violence has been a part of the American experience since the earliest days of this great nation, as has rampant systemic racism....